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Personal Data

Consumer Trust Summit Series CES

Part of CES 2017, MEF’s Data Privacy & Security Summit, supported by BICS, explored how technology is demanding innovative models and best practice for mobile privacy and security to help businesses to manage risk, while creating new monetization opportunities. Across three sessions the summit heard from expert speakers across different mobile sectors…
Sam Hill
January 24, 2017
Personal Data

Consumer Trust Summit Series

Part of MEF London Week and supported by Mozilla, the 7th Consumer Trust Summit in London brought together enterprises, start-ups and technology providers to discuss key market enablers while offering an essential European regulatory update.  The half-day programme featured four expert sessions taking an in-depth look at the regulation, use…
Sam Hill
January 18, 2017
Personal Data

Can one idea make online life more private, secure and efficient?

A new MEF and Juniper Research whitepaper analyses the emergence of the user-centric data value-exchange. A concept that could completely change the way people manage their digital lives is profiled in a free report by Juniper Research for the Mobile Ecosystem Forum. The study outlines the Personal Data Economy: an…
Sam Hill
November 17, 2016

If it ain’t broke, fix it

Tech hubs around the world share much in common. From Silicon Valley to Mumbai, Berlin to Lagos, you’ll find the same entrepreneurial spirit and can-do attitude. Their culture of Darwinian innovation takes few prisoners and has created problems with regulators and the consumers they serve. However, experts detect change in…
Sam Hill
September 14, 2016