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Who is MEF?

The Mobile Ecosystem Forum is a global trade association. Our members are companies whose products power mobile services such as messaging, content, advertising and IoT. Join MEF to advance in mobile.

Why Join MEF?

MEF offers its members a platform through which to raise their profiles, strike up new industry partnerships and influence the industry agenda. We group our activities into three areas:


MEF pools the expertise of its members to create reports, white papers, conferences and other educational documents.


Our members collaborate with – and learn from – each other via webinars, virtual and physical events, working groups and informal networking.


As a trusted and independent authority, MEF can affect market behaviour. Our members collaborate on best practice schemes, industry code of conducts, anti-fraud initiatives, registries, regulatory consultations and more.

Understand, influence and monetise mobile

Membership benefits include exclusive industry reports, entry to MEF and partner events, sponsorship/speaking opportunities, working groups, thematic discussion forum, and visibility through MEF communication channels (website, newsletter, social media, magazine, etc.).

A uniquely international view

MEF has members in 45 countries. They run social events, launch region-specific initiatives and publish local reports.

Run by members for members

MEF is a not-for-profit organisation, it is run to create member value. Members elect representatives to the board yearly and are actively involved in all activities.

Introducing MEF’s 8 SECTOR programmes

MEF members do the ‘heavy lifting’ in the mobile space. To help them develop robust ecosystems, MEF runs eight market-specific programmes. Each one gives members a forum to share best practices, create new initiatives and meet new partners…

Mobile Services

Content & Advertising

The evolution of new interactive content reaching the mobile global masses

Payment & Commerce

Mobilise & Digitalise Payments and commerce

ID & Data

The progression of the mobile number. How will users prove identity and share information via mobile?

Connectivity & Wholesale

The transformation of the delivery chain of mobile telecom services. New services & new competencies

Enterprise Communications

Messaging Channels

Exploring the full potential and uniqueness of each business messaging channel

Omnichannel Customer Experience

How can enterprises orchestrate authentication, customer support, notification and communication in the world of consumer choice in comms

Mobile Evolution

The rise of new platforms and services in mobile for support of business services


Fighting fraudsters and establishing integrity in the complex mobile ecosystem

Who are our members?

Our global membership represents the total mobile ecosystem connecting across borders, sectors and company size.

  • Mobile Network Operators

  • OS and Platform Providers

  • Device Manufacturers

  • Media & Content Owners

  • App Developers

  • Brands & Agencies

  • Financial Institutions

  • Privacy & Security

  • Technology Provider

  • Billing Providers

  • Mobile Marketing

  • Professional Services