Get key insights from MEF’s P2A Business Messaging report which examines how consumers wordwide are engaging with brands and businesses via person to application messaging. Here we look at users’ preferences for discovering and engaging with a P2A chatbot.
Users might not have a clear view of all possible ways to discover, search or find a chatbot – however their expectations can help to understand their starting point. Operator and companies will have to bridge the introduction of new behaviours, with existing learnt ways to start a conversation with a business. The industry will have to find the best ways and maybe create new tools for the public.
29% of users would prefer to find a chatbot directly from the website of a business, just like currently users can also find links on website taking users to download an app from the two main app stores via links on the company’s websites.
20% of the users would prefer to use a phone number (either the one they can call a company or the one from which they receive SMS message) to send a message and activate a chatbot. Similarly 19% of users would reply to an old message from the business to activate the session.
Only 15% of the users currently say they would want to search a directory or list of chatbots in the messaging app or take a picture of an activation code from a magazine advertising or QR code.
Another 15% would not want to initiate a chat themselves, they would want to be called by the chatbot instead.

P2A Business Messaging 2020
Users can now message businesses and get immediate discursive communications via an application. The advance of artificial intelligence makes meaningful chat with bots a possibility, but are human users ready to use them?
MEF’s P2A Business Messaging 2020 report is based on 6500 interviews across 10 countries: Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Japan, South Africa, Spain, UK, USA.
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