The clashing of Business messaging with Artificial Intelligence has recently kickstarted a new way to interact with consumers: P2A or person to application messaging.
Users can now message businesses and get immediate discursive communications via an application. The advance of artificial intelligence makes meaningful chat with bots a possibility, but are human users ready to use them?
MEF’s P2A Business Messaging 2020 report is based on 6500 interviews across 10 countries: Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Japan, South Africa, Spain, UK, USA.
ACCEPTANCE OF CHATBOTS – who will take up P2A messaging first?
P2A USE CASES – What are the key services expected by the users
P2A DISCOVERY – How do user expect to find and initiate a P2A chat?
P2A ATTITUDES – An analysis of the value creation for P2A: where is P2A competitive advantage to voice?

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