- V2.0 MEF’s Business SMS Code of Conduct and V3.0 MEF’s Business SMS Fraud Framework published
- I3Forum and Risk & Assurance Group join the Compliance Committee and industry fight to combat SMS Fraud
- Fraud type such as message trashing and crowdsourced SIM Farms included in the review
As part of MEF’s self-regulatory service Trust in Enterprise Messaging (TEM) service, MEF’s Future of Messaging Programme Fraud Working Group has published the latest version of its Business SMS Fraud Framework following a full review and alignment to V2.0 of MEF’s Business SMS Code of Conduct.
Cornerstones of the industry programme, which now has over 70 participants uniting all stakeholders in the business messaging ecosystem, the Fraud Framework was first published in 2016 and the Code of Conduct released in 2018 to promote awareness and common understanding of the different fraud types among the entire business messaging ecosystem. The best practices advocate the necessary actions to be taken to prevent and mitigate fraud attacks to ensure the sustainability of SMS as a trusted communications channel.
V3.0 of the Fraud Framework reflects changes in both technology and regulation as well as reviews the ever-evolving tactics of the fraudsters including app-initiated frauds such as crowdsourced SIM farms. A 14th fraud type – message trashing – has also been added.
The framework is fully aligned to V2.0 of the Code of Conduct which was formally adopted by its signatories in December 2020.
Anam Technologies, DAS Telco, Dotgo, FireText, Go4Mobility, Intis Telecom, LANCK Telecom, Quiubas Mobile, Telefónica Global Solutions and websms have now signed the Code and join Apprentice Valley, BulkSMS, DIMOCO, Global Message Services (GMS), Imimobile, Infinite Convergence Solutions, iTouch Messaging Services, Kaleyra, Message Networks, mGage, MMDSmart, Modica Group, Movitext, OpenMarket, rdcom, RealNetworks, Sinch and XConnect.
As part of the review of the Code and recognising the importance of united industry collaboration MEF invited all telco industry bodies to review the draft documentation.
It is also delighted to announce i3Forum and the Risk & Assurance Group have joined the Code’s Compliance Committee which includes representatives from other trade associations and independent advisors and oversees the Code’s compliance and complaints procedures.
MEF has been at the forefront of tackling business SMS fraud since it launched the Future of Messaging Programme in 2015 and along with initiatives such as the SMS SenderID Protection Registry, the best practices agreed by MEF’s working group have delivered greater awareness and transparency.
MEF CEO Dario Betti
MEF’s CEO Dario Betti commented: “the 2020 review of MEF’s Business SMS Fraud Framework and Code of Conduct carried out by members ensures the best practices recognise the continued evolution of both mitigation solutions and sadly the continued sophistication of the fraudsters.
MEF has been at the forefront of tackling business SMS fraud since it launched the Future of Messaging Programme in 2015 and along with initiatives such as the SMS Sender ID Protection Registry, the best practices agreed by MEF’s working group have delivered greater awareness and transparency. They demonstrate industry collaboration has real impact on mitigating fraud to ensure the messaging ecosystem continues to thrive.”
James Williams, MEF’s Future of Messaging Lead added: “The latest guidelines are essential tools to help understand the complexities of messaging ecosystem and set out clear best practices for all stakeholders but particularly messaging providers and mobile network operators. In 2021 we will continue to work with both the industry and buyers of Business SMS to drive adoption and compliance.
On a personal note, I would like to thank my predecessor Joanne Lacey (now and independent advisor) for all her sterling work, from setting up the whole of Future of Messaging Programme back in 2015 to guiding the Business SMS Code of Conduct and Fraud Framework projects to where they are today – and everything in-between!”
Download the Business SMS Fraud Framework now
V3.0 MEF’s Business SMS Fraud Framework and V2.0 of MEF’s Business SMS Code of Conduct are available to download now – participation in the Trust in Enterprise Messaging service is open to any stakeholder in the messaging ecosystem.
Find out more about the Trust in Enterprise Messaging (TEM) service