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We are pleased to introduce MEF’s short insight report on SMS One Time Password (OTP) as a verification tool for enterprises – Download for free now.

We spoke to senior individuals in 450 enterprises of varying sizes in nine key geographical markets in key sectors.  These enterprises represent key sectors interested in personal data, identification, verification and authentication, including financial services, fintech, payments, e-commerce and healthcare.  Over two thirds of enterprises use just cellular for identification, verification and authentication.

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About the report

The content is taken from MEF’s first survey looking at Enterprise Personal Data, Identification, Verification and Authentication researched and published in 2021, and answers questions including:

  • How does multifactor authentication rank as an authentication and verification solution?
  • What percentage of enterprises use SMS OTP for verification?
  • Where does multifactor authentication rank among other solutions available?
  • Where is SMS OTP mostly widely used and which sectors and markets represent growth opportunities?
  • What are the key drivers for the usage of SMS OTP?

Our goals with these surveys are to increase knowledge around current enterprise usage, and their plans for the future - segmented by sector, geography and enterprise size. We seek to clarify enterprise attitudes towards the challenges they are facing and to identify opportunities for suppliers.

James WilliamsDirector of Programmes MEF