Messagenius is the enterprise messaging for secure, productive and integrated communications among colleagues.
As the secure Slack-alternative, Messagenius is better than the mainstream messaging apps for:
1. SECURITY, COMPLIANCE AND DATA OWNERSHIP – On-premises/private-cloud installation.
2. PRODUCTIVITY – Purpose-built features designed on specific internal workflows – in white label branding.
3. INTEGRATION – With any software in use.TOP CLIENTS – Trusted by top clients such as:
– TIM, Telecom Italia, the largest telco in Italy.
– Open Fiber (part of Enel group), telco building fiber networks.
– Terna, the top independent electricity grid operator in the EU and 6th in the world.
– RFI, Rete Ferroviaria Italiana, the owner of Italy’s railway network.
– Sogei, the system integrator of Italy’s Ministry of Economy and Finance.At Mobile World Congress, GSMA has named Messagenius among the top scale-ups of the “GSMA 100”.
> FOR large and distributed workforces, especially in regulated and strategic industries…
> WHO ARE DISSATISFIED WITH data treatment, security and stiffness of mainstream communication tools…
> MESSAGENIUS IS the enterprise messaging making internal comms secure, productive and integrated…
> THAT PROVIDES 1. full data ownership, security and compliance (on-prem/private-cloud installation); 2. productivity-boost (purpose-built features); 3. integration (with software in use).
> UNLIKE Slack, Teams, WhatsApp and the mainstream messengers.INDUSTRIES – Messagenius targets corporate clients (500+ employees) operating in 5 strategic and highly-regulated industries: Distributed workforces (energy, utilities, telcos, transport etc.); Government & Public Sector; Hospitals & Pharma; Financial Services; Defense & Law Enforcement.
System integrators and consultancy firms are ideal channel partners for Messagenius.VERSIONS
Available for Android, iOS, web and desktop as stand-alone messaging app (in white label) and or add-on messaging feature (with SDK).For more info, reach out to: