MEF CONNECTS Wholesale 2023 brings together stakeholders from across the industry, and from around the world – analysts, representatives from other trade organisations, mobile operators, content providers, messaging companies and many others.
The event tackles new revenue streams and growth drivers for Wholesale, achieving efficiencies, sustainability, new commercial models, automation, the emergence of new industry segments, Mobile IoT, SMS, Voice, Roaming, 5G, CPaaS, regulation, commercial models, anti-fraud, industry talent and more.
Day One
OMDIA Reports on the Outlook for Wholesale
In this presentation Julian will present a deep dive on evolving wholesale requirements. He’ll be looking at what changed between the 2022 and 2023 OMDIA wholesale customer surveys and investigating mobile wholesale innovation into 2024.
- James Williams, Director of Programmes – MEF
- Julian Watson, Principal Analyst, Wholesale Telecoms – Omdia
Authentication & Verification Demystified
An essential session for all who seek to understand the increasingly complex landscape of digital security. In an era where data breaches and identity theft are a constant threat, robust authentication and verification mechanisms are vital. This panel discussion aims to strip away the complexity and jargon, providing clear insights and practical advice.
- James Williams, Director of Programmes – MEF
- Stuart Mitchell, Global Product & Business Development, Rich Messaging – Sinch
- Thangaraj Durairaj, Head of Carrier Voice – Vodafone Carrier Services
- Neil Downing, VP Identity Product – TMT Analysis
- Andrés Alvargonzalez, Sales Director Europe and North America – Lleida.net
Generation, Trashing & Inflation, Meet A2P Messaging
Artificial Inflation and Generation of Traffic AIT & AGT) might not be new phenomena but combined with Message Trashing, the Business Messaging industry is facing unprecedented challenges. A technical solution alone cannot solve this A2P SMS existential crisis and collaboration across all fronts (regulation, commercial and technical) is required. Join stakeholders from across the industry in what is sure to be a very robust discussion on this key topic!
- Tim Ward, VP of Number Information Services – XConnect
- James Williams, Director of Programmes – MEF
- Jason Lunn, Global Connectivity, CPaaS – Cisco
- Simeon Coney, Chief Strategy Officer – ENEA AdaptiveMobile Security
Business Messaging in 2023 & How to Tackle AIT
Join Juniper Research as it examines the future of the business messaging market and the long-term impacts of AIT (Artificial Inflation of Traffic) on wholesale operations. Don’t miss this engaging session and the chance to learn how operators can protect the value of their messaging channels – or else risk losing messaging traffic to other channels outside of the telco space.
- James Williams, Director of Programmes – MEF
- Sam Barker, VP of Telecoms Market Research – Juniper Research
The Evolution of Wholesale Messaging: A2P SMS and Beyond
Traditional Wholesale Messaging players are finding the Messaging environment around them changing fast. And they’ve got to move with the times – and that time is now! The conversational commerce opportunity means that richer channels such as RCS Business Messaging (RBM) and chat apps such as Rakuten Viber have to become part of any Wholesaler’s portfolio. There is no denying SMS still has a huge role to play in A2P communications and you’ll gain valuable insight into the future of Wholesale SMS and the other carrier-based channels.
- James Williams, Director of Programmes – MEF
- Jeevithan Muttu, VP Product and R&D – TOMIA
- Richard Lemmers, CCO – Openmind Networks
- Ritu Taneja, Head of Carrier Relations, Messaging – Rakuten Viber
Fraudsters Intercepting Your Calls Mid-Conversation – What’s Going On?
Smart False Answer Supervision (FAS) and Call Stretching are two kinds of voice fraud where bad actors directly impact the client experience. Fraudsters come up with creative ways to extend the billed duration for the caller beyond the actual connection duration. Consumers are then billed for minutes they did not use or calls that were never completed. And these bills can really stack up. The effect on the international voice business is huge and these types of fraud paint the channel as one which can easily be breached. What can be done to combat all this and position your business as a reliable, secure voice services provider that ensures customers’ international calls remain secure and private?
- James Williams, Director of Programmes – MEF
- Mikhail Borisov, Market Manager MENASA – LANCK Telecom
- Igor Skutsenya, Senior Business Development Manager – LANCK Telecom
- Dmitry Sumin, Head of Products – AB Handshake Corporation
Preserving The Trust of A2P SMS
The A2P market is growing, however it is facing certain challenges especially from fraud on the channel. In this session we will be looking to see how the integrity of channel can be preserved and how we can protect and trust.
- James Williams, Director of Programmes – MEF
- Joanna Kuligowska, Head of Global Market Intelligence – HAUD
- Ron Bonnici, VP Pre-Sales & Product Management – HAUD
- Waheed Adam – iTouch
- Pat Flynn – Neustar
Digital Transformation in Wholesale
The wholesale industry is supported by strong industry forums taking an active role in addressing and resolving the many issues carriers face when adapting their businesses in an environment where there is only one constant – change! In this panel, we bring together a host of industry forums to talk about what they think the key issues are and to look at how we can collectively work together to help transform the industry for the better.
- Suzy Menneret, Wholesale Advisor – MEF
- Simon Dodsworth, Executive Council – Global Solutions Council (GSC)
- Dario Betti, CEO – MEF
- Annabel Helm, Managing Director – ITW Global Leadership Forum (GLF)
- Christian Michaud, Vice Chair – i3forum
- Laurie Beagle, Operations Director – International Telecom Risk Forum (ITRF)
Powering Telecom’s Future: Addressing the Talent Crisis
Join us as we delve into potent strategies to resolve the growing talent shortfall in the telecom industry. We’ll analyse the appeal of cutting-edge technology, a vibrant work culture, varied career trajectories, and converse about creating what it takes to draw in the forthcoming wave of telecom superstars!
- Isabelle Paradis, CEO – Hot Telecom
- Beatrice Filippi, SMS Sales Manager – IDT Corporation
- Reuma Halal-Shibi, CEO – Pair Recruitment
- John Ingram-Marriott, Senior Business Development Manager – Modern Networks
- Mardia Niehaus, SVP HR Business Partner Technology and Innovation – Deutsche Telekom
Analyst Briefing: Voice
Join us to get great insights on International voice traffic and revenue global trends including OTT app subscriber growth, regional variations, wholesale vs direct retail traffic and revenue, wholesale revenue development and mobile traffic & revenue development.
- Suzy Menneret, Wholesale Advisor – MEF
- Patrick Christian, Principal Analyst – Telegeography
Day Two
New Revenue Opportunities and New Threats: Wholesale Today
An overview of what MEF members have discussed during our monthly Wholesale Working Group meetings this past year: a new understanding for the industry, the expanding role of Roaming, the 5G evolution, how Wholesale is meeting Retail, new revenue streams such as security, the swathe of new threats the wider market is facing, the role of CPaaS, efforts to increase efficiencies and more – you get the picture! Rather a lot…
- James Williams, Director of Programmes – MEF
- Suzy Menneret, Wholesale Advisor – MEF
eSIM and Roaming: The Future Together
Join Kaleido for an insightful presentation on the impact of travel SIMs on mobile roaming services and operator revenues. Explore the evolving landscape of the travel SIM market as it transitions towards digital SIMs or eSIMs, offering enhanced convenience and flexibility for travellers. Gain valuable insights into the growing momentum of eSIM adoption across several global markets. Kaleido will delve into the implications for the roaming industry and discuss the potential growth opportunities for travel SIMs. Further, the session will provide a high-level analysis of consumer preferences for roaming and travel SIMs based on a recently concluded global travel survey.
- James Williams, Director of Programmes – MEF
- Nitin Bhas, Chief of Strategy & Insights – Kaleido Intelligence
Decoding Complexity, Trends & 5G in Roaming
Join us on a journey into the intricate landscape of roaming in the 5G era. Tune in for insightful discussions with roaming superstars on the evolving complexities, latest trends and the impact of 5G on the future of roaming. We see the future and it will be a complex roaming environment…
- Isabelle Paradis, CEO – Hot Telecom
- Thomas Therkildsen, Senior Business Development Director – Syniverse
- Aymeric Castelain, Manager Mobile Services Products – Orange International Carrier
- Tandria Enrique Afonso, Managing Director – Telefonica Global Roaming
- Daniel McTague, CTO – Cellusys
Addressing Security Challenges in Roaming
Roaming is a key asset of carriers who therefore need to ensure its security. Yet with the development of VoLTE, the deployment of 5G networks, the increasing vertical needs of IoT roaming, etc. how does the wholesale industry guarantee the same level of security that is vital to secure its business growth? What are the challenges met by the industry today and how do carriers overcome them? Join us to find out more on this topic!
- Suzy Menneret, Wholesale Advisor – MEF
- Brendan Cleary, CEO – Cellusys
- Dimitri Repinec, Head of Product Management and Innovation – Bayobab Africa
- Patrick George, Chief Strategy Officer – iBasis
 IoT – Implications of a Growth Market for Wholesale Carriers
In this session, TecFutures explores the dynamics of the IoT market in terms of where it is now and how it will look in the future, particular focus on the opportunities and challenges for CSPs and Wholesale Carriers. We will address a range of issues including the outlook for and dynamics of the IoT market, drivers and barriers to adoption, connectivity technologies and the requirement for IoT global connectivity and roaming AND, most importantly, we will analyse and address the implications for the Wholesale Carrier Community and how they can best monetize the IoT opportunity.
- Suzy Menneret, Wholesale Advisor – MEF
- Andrew Parkin-White, Founding Partner – TecFutures
Wholesale IoT – From Connectivity To Monetisation
IoT is a rapidly growing technology that has the potential to transform many industries and sectors. This panel session will provide a comprehensive overview of IoT technology, use cases, and applications, as well as security and privacy considerations, and monetization opportunities. The panelists will share their expertise and insights through real-world case studies and answer questions from the audience. Attendees will walk away with actionable insights and best practices to help them navigate the IoT landscape and stay ahead of the curve.
- Nassia Skoulikariti, IoT Director – MEF
- Francisco Maroto, IoT Advisor and Digital Transformation Principal Consultant – NI (National Instruments)
- Peter Johnson, CEO – Mconnected
- Jimmy Jones, Head of Security – Zariot
 Challenges Addressing The Enterprise Segment
The customer base of the international wholesale community is fundamentally becoming enterprise led. Enterprise requirements lead towards a new paradigm in terms of solutions offering, customer service, and overall value proposition that carriers need to develop to best serve this indirect segment. What are the current opportunities and challenges that the industry is witnessing and how do carriers need to adapt to maximize their potential?
- Suzy Menneret, Wholesale Advisor – MEF
- Deshbandhu Bansal, COO, Messaging Solutions – Comviva
- Yasser Waheed, Director of Carrier Relations, Americas – Telesign
- Carlos Villanueva, Co-founder &Chief Revenue Officer – Enabld
- Taha Jiwaji, Founder & CEO – Beem
The Future is Cloudy: Cloudification of Wholesale Telecom
A forward-thinking panel discussing the transformation of wholesale through cloudification, we’ll be unravelling the prospects, challenges, and strategies for wholesale’s transition to the cloud, optimising operations and driving innovation in the digital era.
- Isabelle Paradis, CEO – Hot Telecom
- Alan Quayle, Owner – Alan Quayle Business & Service Development
- Ameed Jamous, Founder – TelecomsXChange
- Andreas Hipp, CEO – Cataleya
- Ankit Agarwal, Founder & CEO – Tel Q Global
The Transformative Potential of CPaaS
The transformative potential of Communication Platform as a Service (CPaaS) within the wholesale industry is tangible. Leaders from the telecommunications sphere, cloud service sector, and CPaaS vendor community convene to explore how correctly implemented CPaaS can dramatically improve their financial performance, specifically in terms of revenue and profit margins. This insightful discussion offers a deep dive into the advantages, potential hurdles, and future prospects of CPaaS across the wholesale landscape.
- James Williams, Director of Programmes – MEF
- Carlos DaSilva, VP Products, Strategy & Business Operations – PCCW Global
- Shikha Gupta, VP International Roaming & Mobile Solutions – Airtel Business
- Eugene Pradas, SVP Global Strategic Development – BTS
- Ehsan Ahmadi, CEO & Founder – VOX Solutions
- Ahmad Kassir, Sales Director – Monty Mobile
Does Carrier Customer Service Need Real Transformation?
From traditional customer service to e-care, how does the industry need to adapt its processes, technologies, organization and resources to maximize the value perceived by customers and offer optimum quality of service? Join our panel to find out more about the initiatives currently undertaken by carriers to provide meaningful answers to its customer base.
- Suzy Menneret, Wholesale Advisor – MEF
- Michel Levisse, SVP – Customer Services & Sales Operations – Orange International Carrriers
- Tristan Rayroles, Customer Experience Director
- Debdatta Mallick, AVP Revenue Assurance & Business Control – PCCWG