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We are pleased to introduce MEF’s short insight report examining supplier opportunities around identification, verification and authentication.

We spoke to senior individuals in 450 enterprises of varying sizes in nine leading geographical markets, representing key sectors interested in personal data, identification, verification and authentication, including financial services, fintech, payments, e-commerce and healthcare.

In this short report, we look to answer a few key questions around enterprise usage, plans and attitudes surrounding identification, verification and authentication and draw out opportunities for suppliers based on sector, geography and enterprise size. Specifically:

  • What sort of growth in customer numbers are enterprises anticipating?
  • Where is the opportunity for cellular?
  • What are the key global drivers? Security? Compliance? Customer Retention?
  • What impact has covid had on the use of digital channels?
  • How is friction from authentication affecting churn?
  • Which methods are enterprises using for verification and what are their plans?
  • Who do enterprises trust as suppliers and what do they consider to be their most important attributes?

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This short report looks to answer a few key questions around enterprise usage, plans and attitudes surrounding identification, verification and authentication. We found that anticipated growth in customer numbers is expected in all countries but looks especially strong in India and Indonesia. Security and fraud prevention are the key drivers in all major sectors, and there is widescale opportunity for growth in Telco APIs. Track record and cost were found to be the two key factors in evaluating suppliers. The market is open to many type of providers, with Technology Specialists scoring best for trust.

James WilliamsMEF Director of Programmes