Company Profile/

Wersel is a platform that connects businesses with data professionals for improved data-driven decision making and increased efficiency.

With Wersel, organizations can upload, connect, search, share, and collaborate on their data, as well as easily deploy AI and ML models. This results in secured and improved data-driven decision making.

The platform’s main features include:

1. Data Search: Easy access to organizational data through robust search engine.
2. Data Share: Share data with others in the organization to foster collaboration and improve data-driven decision making.
3. Data Collaboration: Collaborate on data analysis with others, regardless of technical skills, to improve decision making.
4. AI and ML model deployment: Wersel allows efficient deployment of AI/ML models without data download, adding security.

Wersel Workdesk Products:
1. People & AI Analytics
2. Data Management
3. Flexible Collaboration
4. Enterprise Search