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MEF’s 9th Annual Global Trust Study was carried out in January and February 2023. On behalf of MEF, On Device Research surveyed 8,450 smartphone users, 650 in each of 13 markets.

This special report focuses on Canada, comparing its key findings to the global benchmark in areas such as user attitudes to data sharing, security perceptions and artificial intelligence.

Key Findings

  • Canada Ranks Amongst Lowest For Trust

Canada has one of the lowest Trust Indices globally. Key contributing factors are poor perceptions around privacy and control, and higher than average reported experiences of data harm.

  • Canadians Are Very Engaged In Mobile Life But Also More Sensitive To Data Sharing Risks

Despite relatively high usage of mobile services and an appreciation of their ease and convenience, most Canadians remain concerned about the amount of data collected about them and avoid sharing their information when possible.

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About Assurant

Assurant, Inc. (NYSE: AIZ) is a leading global provider of lifestyle and housing solutions that support, protect and connect major consumer purchases. Anticipating  the evolving needs of consumers, Assurant partners with the world’s leading brands to develop innovative products and services and to deliver an enhanced customer experience.

A Fortune 500 company with a presence in 21 countries, Assurant offers mobile device solutions; extended service contracts; vehicle protection services; pre-funded funeral insurance; renters insurance; lender-placed insurance products; and other specialty products. The Assurant Foundation strengthens communities by supporting charitable partners that help protect where people live and can thrive, connect with local resources, inspire inclusion and prepare leaders of the future.

  • Social Media Companies May Be Exerting An Uncomfortable Influence

Canadians are more likely than average to use social media for entertainment as well as Facebook Messenger as a core mode of communication, however this does not translate into stronger trust: in fact, they have higher than average security concerns regarding social media sharing.

  • Canadians Are Sceptical About Tech Advances

Canadians are more likely than average to believe that tech advances are making their data less secure and display less positivity in the face of developments such as facial recognition and artificial intelligence.

  • Sensitivity To Risk Leads Canadians To Take More Protective Actions

Canadians are more likely than other users to take steps to safeguard their personal data and respond more favourably to the concept of personal information management systems. However, expense and lack of knowledge about which tools/services can really support them are barriers to taking further action.

The survey results in this report highlight a bright future for our MEF members. Text messaging is still strong, 2-factor authentication to verify ID is used by 57% of Canadians versus 41% globally, and Canadians use apps or mobile phone websites more than the global average. For example, 62% of Canadians said they accessed banking/financial services on their phone in the last 6 months, versus 52% globally.

I believe that if we continue to focus on combating fraud, protecting consumer data, and building trust in messaging, there will be plenty of opportunities for MEF members to flourish and grow. Enjoy this report, and I hope you get as much out of it as I have.

Nicholas RossmanDirector of Product Management, MEF