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Across the globe, there are a growing number of digital identity schemes that are becoming role models in how to deploy a service nationally. This paper explores the digital identity scheme in Italy – SPID – and how it has become a success story in securing widespread adoption among its citizens.

The paper covers a range of topics and answers key questions including:

  • Background to the deployment of the Italian Identity Scheme and the timeline of principal events

  • How the scheme operates, its take up and current status?

  • What role the Italian scheme plays within the broader European Identity Scheme?

  • Who are the players and what are the main roles and interactions?

  • What is the scope for further development?

  • What lessons can be learned from the implementation and what obstacles were overcome?

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MEF Connects Digital Transformation

Over 3 packed days MEF CONNECTS Digital Transformation delves deeper into best practises on Identity and Authentication, Direct Carrier Billing [DCB], Mobile Wallets, Mobile Advertising, RCS, Conversational Commerce and much more.

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