MEF’s Market Guide to Nigeria offers a comprehensive overview and key insights into the Nigerian mobile market and is an essential reference for any company assessing the opportunities available within Sub-Saharan Africa as well as those currently expanding their operations into the region.
The guide shines the spotlight on the Nigerian mobile ecosystem to identify the opportunities available and is part of MEF’s ongoing Africa Programme which has been supporting members in the region since 2012.
Developed in partnership with KPMG, MEF members and with contribution from, the 70 page guide features market data, practical checklists and local contacts, as well as mapping the local ecosystem and highlighting the complexities and opportunities of doing business in Nigeria.
The guide is designed to help new market entrants to better understand the local market conditions and challenges such as compliance with local regulatory frameworks, delivering relevant value propositions and unique local business culture. It also sets out the first steps to launching a mobile business including licencing, tax and immigration requirements which every foreign investor needs to know.