Mandala Insights is an independent analyst firm that offers insights, opinions and research on the network technologies that will drive the next billion digital opportunities in Asia.
The mandala had deep roots in Hindu and Buddhist religious and spiritual traditions. A basic interpretation of a mandala is that of a symbol, comprised of geometric patterns representing a microcosm of a universe that is manifold, complex and constantly evolving. Its core is stable and eternal, representing a higher truth that binds the universe and is ultimately attainable by a journey within. We believe that the mandala is a good metaphor for the technology and telecoms industries, with a core DNA that drives ripples of innovation across the world, disrupting and enhancing the worlds adjacent. As a firm, we will seek to analyze these patterns and trends, with a view to always finding the “essence” and delivering valuable insights for our customers.
MEF Minute/
India under COVID19: The telecom networks are holding up, barely
Shiv Putcha, Principal Analyst at emerging tech specialists Mandala Insights, shares insight into how the covid19 pandemic is affecting the mobile ecosystem in India, and how the telcos are coping with keeping the country connected. There are multiple trends to review from the emerging market response to the COVID19 virus.
Hatch and the future of mobile cloud gaming
Shiv Putcha, Principal Analyst at emerging tech specialists Mandala Insights, shares more insights from the Nokia event Global Analyst Forum.
Recently, I had the opportunity to be in Finland to attend Nokia’s Global Analyst Forum. For those interested, my reflections on that event can be viewed here. As it turns out, the analyst event was being held in Helsinki the same week as the Slush conference.
Nokia Sticks to the ‘Plan’
Shiv Putcha, Principal Analyst at emerging tech specialists Mandala Insights, shares his insights from the recent Nokia event Global Analyst Forum 2019.
Recently, I had the opportunity to visit Finland to spend three days with Nokia at their Global Analyst Forum. It was an eventful few days, full of detailed presentations, grand vision statements, cool demos, a visit to Nokia’s Conscious Factory and labs in Oulu and great discussions with Nokia’s leadership and executive teams. Here, we highlight some key takeaways from the GAF2019 event.
MWC Shangai 2019: The new digital economy will drive private networks
In his final post from MWC Shanghai Shiv Putcha, Principal Analyst at emerging tech specialists Mandala Insights, discusses the role of private networks in the new digital economy and why 5G will allow for the deployment of truly private enterprise networks.
As 5G is rolled out across Chinese cities, the technology will turbo charge the drive to digitally transform China’s immense industrial landscape, with an early focus on targeted vertical applications that in many cases will be run as private networks.
MWC Shangai: 8 5G Innovations from China
Shiv Putcha, Principal Analyst at emerging tech specialists Mandala Insights, continues his series of posts from MWC Shanghai, here sharing 8 key use case examples of 5G innovations from the show, and discusses why China is ahead of the curve when it comes to 5G deployments.