In conjunction with its members, MEF has undertaken research into the current position and evolution of the market for global IoT connectivity.
The focus of the research is to explore key issues and questions around the development of the global mobile IoT connectivity ecosystem.
The research was carried out between July and October 2020 with desk research and interviews with key organisations active in the global IoT connectivity arena, including BICS, JT Global, GSMA, Pod Group, Tata Communications, Zariot, CCS Insight, Deutsche Telekom Carrier Services and PCCW Global.
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IoT Roaming
Harnessing the Opportunity for IoT Global Connectivity
Demand for global enterprise IoT connectivity is very apparent with key segments emerging with multinational connectivity needs. The market is growing rapidly and its value increasing, To develop further, the ecosystem needs to address a range of challenges including understanding market drivers, how to develop value added solutions, making sense of IoT roaming technologies, the evolution of the competitive environment and importantly how to monetise the opportunities that IoT roaming affords. Finally, players need to understand how Covid-19 will have a short to medium term impact on the market.
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Impact of Covid-19 on the IoT Ecosystem
IoT is not immune to Covid-19 but despite short to medium term challenges, new opportunities may arise with the ecosystem making a progressive recovery from 2021 onwards
In this download, MEF explores a range of issues relating to the impact of Covid-19 resulting from our focus on the IoT ecosystem and the output of our working groups. We discuss a range of issues brought to light by Covid-19 and assess how the ecosystem will be affected and how it can move forward in the future. Questions we address include:
- What is the impact on the overall IoT ecosystem and the challenges facing demand and supply?
- How will the IoT market evolve in the short to medium term and in the longer term?
- How are enterprises and administrations responding to Covid-19
- What challenges will suppliers face resulting from the virus?
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IoT Security – Developing the Ecosystem
IoT security needs to be at the heart of an enterprise IoT deployment and without it, they risk compromising their existing and planned IoT projects. This download explores IoT security questions and is based on MEF’s working group discussions in this area.
- Why is IoT security so critical in growing the IoT ecosystem?
- What questions do enterprises need to ask about IoT security?
- Which particular security challenges do IoT devices present?
- How can enterprises better develop a greater understanding of IoT security issues?
- When can security frameworks prove useful?
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Identity of Things – Developing the Ecosystem
Identity and access management (IAM) no longer just governs the relationship between humans and devices but with the dawn of IoT, it has evolved to cover relationships between devices
IAM is a key consideration that IoT enterprise security teams need to address to unlock the IoT solutions market.
It is a complex and challenging area that is ever changing and deploys at large scale.
This paper asks, how do we allow billions of things to be identified, authorised and securely connected?