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Just 15% of MNOs have so far launched RBM

Just 15% of MNOs have so far launched RBM Today, more than 16 years after the Rich Communication Suite Industry Initiative was formed, RCS Business Messaging (RBM) is only available on approximately 15% of mobile networks around the world. However, a new initiative to promote RCS Branded Messages (with 160…
John Beshara
November 7, 2023

Italy: Rich messaging use by age

Italy: Rich messaging use by age 45-54 year olds in Italy are the heaviest users of rich messaging with over one third using a rich messaging service on a daily basis. On average, 51% of 45-54 year olds use rich messaging at least weekly, compared with 49% for both 25-34…
John Beshara
November 7, 2023

Mobile users are beginning to act on A2P spam

Mobile users are beginning to act on A2P spam Mobile users are geting more picky about how many messages they opt-in to receive from businesses on a weekly basis. According to the latest MEF research, there was an increase of one percentage point in the number of users receiving 2-5,…
John Beshara
November 7, 2023

International Roaming

45% of Travelling Users do not 'Roam' with their phone Smartphone users are back travelling across the world, but are they roaming? 48% will be connecting abroad using their mobile operators (33% via their usual mobile tariffs, and 15% via Roaming Bundles). However, 45% of smartphone users will still want…
John Beshara
November 6, 2023