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Guest blogmhealthMobile ContentPartner Event

Transforming healthcare with 5G

MEF is an official partner of the HIMSS & Health 2.0 European Conference 2019 which aims to bring together the entirety of the digital healthcare ecosystem: from hospital C-level decision makers to clinicians, nurses, payers, life science, and technology innovators. Two of the key mobile ecosystem topics at the events…
Sam Hill
April 25, 2019
Guest blogmhealth

Get involved: mHealth App Developer Economics Study

Research2Guidance, the leading mHealth market research company, has launched its 7th annual mHealth App Developer Economics Study for 2017. As as official partner, MEF is inviting members of the global app ecosystem to get involved in shaping the future of the mHealth industry. Research2Guidance Business Analyst David Ireland explains… Research2Guidance…
Sam Hill
March 22, 2017

Digital health tech is disrupting how care is delivered [infographic]

Wearables and smartphones are changing the delivery of healthcare, offering more patient centric solutions, both in care delivery and diagnosis, and the possibility of saving significant expenditure. A Gartner, Inc. report forecasts that 274.6 million wearable electronic devices will be sold worldwide in 2016, an increase of 18.4 percent from…
Sam Hill
April 11, 2016

mhealth focus – Google and Apple strategies

Can Apple and Google make an impact on healthcare? The two mobile big-hitters have already trained their sights beyond the core phone-based functions of voice, messaging and maps to explore new areas like payments, smart home and automotive. Health is a logical next step for them. And there’s one crucial…
Tim Banks
January 6, 2016

Five Digital Health Trends That Are Reshaping Healthcare

Back in February at Mobile World Congress, much of the buzz was focussed on the Internet of Things, data, wearables and smart devices with so much of the exhibition and discussion noticeably shifted to capture the array of things that mobile now enables.  Connected cars, health bands, smartwatches – even bow-ties and…
Sam Hill
July 16, 2015