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Tim Green


Spotlight on DOCOMO Digital

DOCOMO Digital is a different kind of mobile commerce provider: operator-owned and Japanese. But it believes this unique background gives it a unique advantage. The firm's CEO Hiroyuki Sato explained why to MEF Minute... Long serving MEF members will remember well the companies that essentially kickstarted the mobile content and…
Tim Green
July 6, 2016

Don’t you dare talk to me, I’m paying by mobile

Mobile payment wants to replace cash and cards. But will it also also phase out human interaction? Tim Green ponders the demise of small talk on the high street... There’s something I find endlessly fascinating about mobile: its unforeseen consequences. Take the camera phone. When it came along, most people…
Tim Green
June 30, 2016

Ten jargon-free ways to think about that LinkedIn deal

Did you hear? Microsoft bought LinkedIn. Yes you did. But do you know why? Well, Tim Green has sifted through lots of plausible reasons so you don't have to... Last week Microsoft endorsed the skills of LinkedIn. It endorsed them so hard, it cost $26 billion. Yes, you all know…
Tim Green
June 23, 2016

Reducing mobile payment friction to build music revenues in Nigeria

Nigeria has a flourishing music scene. But, thanks to rampant piracy, its musicians don’t make the money they deserve. Now, MTN’s and Huawei’s Music+ service is giving Nigeria’s music-mad population a viable alternative to cheap illegal CDs. MEF’s features editor Tim Green recently interviewed the service’s marketing manager Ebere Nzewi…
Tim Green
June 21, 2016

The soft option? Operators prep the programmable SIM

It used to be accepted that turning the physical SIM into software was bad for operators: customers would change networks on a whim. But now operators are behind the idea. And it's all because of IoT, says Tim Green... A few days ago a 16-year-old girl from Thrissur in India…
Tim Green
June 8, 2016

Spotlight on Syniverse

Every day Syniverse talks to enterprises and brands. Hundreds of them. In fact, the ‘global transaction processor’ connects more than 1,500 companies in nearly 200 countries. MEF spoke to CMO Mary Clark about the importance of trust, security and privacy in the brand consumer relationship.
Tim Green
June 2, 2016
Enterprise CommunicationsInterviewsPrivacy

Spotlight on: Hiya

The best way to fight back against phishing is to help people to know they are being phished. So says Stanley Kim, general manager of communications experience at Hiya. He talked to MEF about the power of ‘caller ID’ to combat phone spam… Last summer, a study revealed that email…
Tim Green
May 25, 2016