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MEFTV caught up with the winners of the recent MEFFYS mobile awards during the show, to find out more about each company and their winning entries. The recipient of the Mobile IoT Meffy was iBASIS with their permanent roaming solution.

They applied their eSIM technology and their global network to open doors for large multinational customers to connect securely on Verizon’s massive IoT network. Their next-gen eSIM/eUICC technology for a single global, remotely programmable SIM has become the first to achieve several technical and commercial breakthroughs for simplified global deployments to become the first to overcome permanent roaming challenges in the US.

We spoke to iBasis’ CEO Alexandre Perbereau and CTO Ajay Joseph about their win and why bringing the service to the US first was such an achievement, along with category presenter Carlos Aragon of Mavenir.

Meet the MEFFYS 2022 Winners

MEFTV caught up with the winners of the 7 categories as they left the stage, at the glitzy MWC awards show in Barcelona

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