A2P messaging is on the up. It could grow even faster if the market could classify traffic and introduce tiered pricing. But how? In this exclusive video, Max Pellegrini, president of mobile services at RealNetworks, explains one approach…
Imagine if there was only one price for a plane ticket. Everything the same, no matter the leg room, the entertainment, the food, the boarding.
It would be wasteful and inefficient for everyone. Passengers would wait around for longer. Airlines would miss out on a huge amount of revenue that customers would happily pay.
Obviously the air travel business moved past this elementary business model decades ago.
Why not A2P mobile messaging?
Think about it. There are billions of enterprise messages traversing the network at any moment. Many are business critical. Many are urgent. Some just need to arrive within a few hours. Some are unauthorised and need to be blocked.
Kontxt generates value for consumers and allows for a efficient management of the network for carriers… at the same time it generates significant value for enterprises, letting them pay different prices according to the urgency of the massage.”
Shouldn’t enterprises have the ability to pay to prioritise their messages?
RealNetworks thinks so. It has a unique ‘big picture’ on network traffic because it runs the Metcalf inter-carrier messaging platform, which is deployed in nearly 400 carriers worldwide.
The company has been working on a technological solution for classifying messages, which it calls Kontxt. This tackles the fundamental hurdle to differential pricing: knowing at any moment what kind of messages are flowing across the network.
Kontxt is now live. It uses machine learning algorithms to identify the intent and origin of messages. And it can even detect when message metadata is spoofed or otherwise misrepresented.
The system then groups messages into categories, so that MNOs can then route them accordingly. So, for example, it could prioritise two-factor authorization (2FA) messages, which require urgent delivery. It could send promotional messages when network congestion is low. And it could block fraudulent messages.
Market analysts believe network intelligence tools like Kontxt could be the key to maintaining the growth of the A2P business in the future.
”The messaging industry is rapidly evolving, and A2P use cases in particular are multiplying,” says Nick Lane, chief analyst at Mobilesquared. “Network operators will need to deploy more advanced management technology if they want to take full advantage of the opportunity this represents.”
Meanhile RealNetworks believes everyone in the value chain could benefit from better message differentiation.
“Kontxt generates value for consumers and allows for a efficient management of the network for carriers”, says Max Pellegrini, president of mobile services at RealNetworks. “At the same time it generates significant value for enterprises, letting them pay different prices according to the urgency of the massage.”
In an exclusive video, Pellegrini spoke to MEF about the launch of Kontxt.