In the run up to 13th annual Meffys, supported by Mozilla & BiP, we are taking a brief look at the finalists in the different categories.
Today it’s Innovation in IoT, one of the new categories, where the judges were asked to recognise companies and products that were successfully connecting consumers’ everyday lifestyle with mobile technology. The award celebrates devices, products and applications that are making every day lives and businesses smarter and more connected than ever before. Let’s take a look…

Anyline for Anyline
Anyline’s amazing mobile Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology allows other app developers to intergrate powerful OCR right into their own apps, letting end users to scan all kinds of written information using a smartphone camera which is instantly digitised on the phone, even while offline.
With obvious applications for developers, brands and enterprises alike, the platform features a fully customisable SDK with potential for all kinds of character recogntion scenarios, including augmented reality.
Visit Anyline

RFMOD for BeanIoT
In the words of their website “BeanIoT is a highly configurable, “wearable”, “deployable” IoT “edge-device that… builds an adaptive wireless mesh network of static or moving nodes.”
The device itself is a tiny bean shaped module packed with sensors, capable of monitoring a wide range of environmental information. They can be deployed in a huge variety of situations and scenarios and are capable of collecting useful big data according to your needs, monitoring everthing from air quality across factories to analysing how closely your office football team are working together.
The breadth of potential case uses is amazing, spanning everything from single users tracking their lost items to essential data collections for agri-tech, sports & well being and retail among many others.
Visit BeanIoT
See.Sense for See.Sense ICON
See.Sense is revolutionising cycle safety with it’s Icon bike light range – an innovative smart-light that interacts with cyclists phone’s for a dazzling array of useful features.
While the light itself can react to the brightness of the world around it – dimming and brightening accordingly in headlights of oncoming traffic for example, it’s the way the light interacts with user’s phones and other Icon lights, that has no doubt piqued the judges interest…
From the accompanying app you can not only check and control your light’s status, they can also tell you if someone is trying to steal your bike and even notify emergency services with your location should you have a crash.
Visit See.Sense

Smarter Applications for Smarter
The Smarter range of kitchen appliances is for many, the embodiment of IoT – a futuristic vision of how we all might one day live and make hot beverages!
With a sleek, stylish approach to desgin, the appliances and accompanying app are all designed to help us live smarter – a kettle that knows when we’re about to need it, a coffee maker that knows how we take our coffee and when – but it is perhaps the fridge camera that is the most impressive with some amazing innvoations to help with a busy lifestyle.
With its wide-lens view of your fridge you can check on your groceries in realtime – the app can advise you on expiry dates, remind you to pick up things you’re running low on and even suggest recipes based on the fridge’s contents.
Visit Smarter

The VTREE is an extraordinary construction, part art installation, part hi-tech device – it is an elegant, and beautiful, solution to our ever growing energy needs. The solar powered ‘tree’ can be deployed at events and venues, or as permanent structures in urban areas, allowing users to charge a host of devices as it collects energy from the sun – phones, tablets, even electric vehicles.
With its unique organic design, the VTREE is intended to blend into the environment it’s deployed, and in addition to allowing users to charge their devices, provides lighting from the energy it has gathered, making its appearance even more striking after dark.
Internet connected, the VTREEs provide localised wi-fi to the area around them and so can create new urban meeting points with a view to activating new communities and sharing knowledge and awareness for public initiatives.
Join us at the Meffys finals – London Dec 1st
Meffys 2016 supported by Mozilla & BiP is part of MEF London Week (29th November – 1st December) which includes Messaging & SMS World and MEF’s European Consumer Trust Summit.
The winners will be announced at a networking reception and features an innovation showcase – your chance to meet the finalists as well as live on-stage interviews with the winners hosted by Shivvy Jervis.