What’s happening with iOS 9? How many Facebook users are there in Africa? What’s the future for MVNOs? You’ll find the answers in this week’s MEF market stats round up…
Facebook has 120m active users in Africa
Around a tenth of Facebook’s one billion users are logging in from Africa, say new figures from the social network.
It has reported healthy growth in its African business, which is unsurprisingly dominated by mobile use. Facebook has 15m monthly users in Nigeria, 12m in South Africa and 6m in Kenya. Virtually all of them are accessing the service on mobile.
Facebook also says 60 per cent of all Internet users in Africa are active on the service. But it is very determined to push harder. The firm opened its first office in Johannesburg in June, and appointed Nunu Ntshingila as the first Head of Africa. She was formerly the chair of ad agency Ogilvy & Mather South Africa.
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Half of all smartphone owners use their devices within 15 minutes of waking
New stats from Deloitte reveal the true extent of our addiction to/reliance on our smartphones. The firm’s new study says 12 per cent of people look at their devices immediately on waking.
Meanwhile, 55 per cent reach for the phone with 15 minutes, and 71 per cent within half an hour. An hour after waking up, 88 per cent of people have checked their screens.
Pretty amazing. Though it doesn’t specify what people are doing. Big sociological difference between browsing the news, playing a puzzle game or checking to see what people have been saying about you on twitter. There are loads more interesting stats in the report.
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MVNOs will generate $73.2 billion by 2020
Over 300m people will subscribe to MVNOs in five years, says a new report by Grand View Research.
It reckons that Europeans in particular will drive the popularity of these niche alternatives to ‘traditional’ mobile operators. Data and value added services too.
Just for clarity, MVNOs buy minutes and data in bulk from operators and sell them to their customers at discounted prices or by focusing on particular niches. Key market participants include Virgin Mobile, Lyca Mobile, Lebara Group, PosteMobile, Tesco Mobile, Drillisch Telecom and TracFone Wireless.
The Grand View report says global MVNO subscribers will exceed 300 million by 2020, and that Europe will be the largest regional market. In 2013, Europe accounted for over 40 per cent of the global MVNO space. This is mostly due to the encouraging regulatory framework in the EU
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200m contactless mobile wallets in use by 2016
A new report from Juniper Research says the number of mobile wallets using contactless technology is expected to reach 200 million by the end of 2016.
It argues that while P2P drove wallet services for the unbanked in developing markets, it’s all about contactless in the banked world.
Naturally, this is mostly because of Apple, Samsung and the forthcoming Android Pay. The study suggests any service that lacks NFC capability will suffer. It cites MCX (Merchant Customer Exchange) ad a potential loser.
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44 per cent of online video is watched on mobile
If you build video networks, they will come. And boy, are they coming. According to Ooyala’s Global Video Index report, 44 per cent of all online viewing is now on mobile devices – that’s up 844 per cent since 2012.
The proliferation of wi-fi and 4G, along with big hi-def smartphone screens, has transformed people’s viewing habits. Simply, you don’t need to go on a desktop to enjoy video any more.
The report also revealed that this is even true for longer-form video. For content of over 10 minutes, views by tablet are 57 per cent, connected TVs 53 per cent, desktop 40 per cent and mobile phones 33 per cent.
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35 per cent of eligible users downloaded iOS 9 inside five days
Apple has proved once again just how willing its users are to upgrade their mobile operating systems.
New figures from analytics firm Mixpanel say 12 per cent of iPhone users with eligible devices installed iOS 9 in a day, 21 per cent did so within 48 hours, and 35 per cent oin five days.
Whenever these numbers are reported, there’s usually a comparison with Android. This time round, the observation was that 21 per cent is roughly the proportion of Android users who have downloaded its newest OS, Lollipop, after 10 months.