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Screen Shot 2015-06-24 at 14.24.31Since the last edition of MEF’s Mobile Money ebulletin there have been many new milestones in the ever evolving space. Microsoft announced plans to introduce direct operator billing to all Windows 10 devices, claiming that the move will result in an 8X increase in purchases, while elsewhere Apple Pay continues its roll-out to more countries and Google announced the launch of Android Pay succeeding Google Wallet. The big difference between the two services is that AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile will pre-install Android Pay on phones when the service is ready later this year.

Check out the latest developments in the mobile money landscape. Defined by a Global Working Group it categories the ecosystem into in-store payments, online payments, P2P payments, direct operator billing, mobile wallets and mPos.


MEF’s Global Mobile Money Landscape, is part of our regular Mobile Money eBulletin series, which you can download for free.  Thanks to everyone who got in touch to share their updates. Do share your comments or views to be included in the next edition or if you want to get involved in the next phase of our Initiative.